In the long term, the desire is that there is one society
in which everyone interacts peaceably and harmoniously, and
individuals are fully responsible for creation of their own
reality. In such a case there is no need for government to
restrict or enforce anything. However, the ideal world may take
awhile to bring about. In the meantime, it is useful for
government to take care of a few of the overall needs of
The Keeper of the Peace
The primary role for government in the early part of the
transition to the Aquarian Age is as the
keeper of the
peace. Peace is one of the critical factors necessary
for the Aquarian Age to come forth at all. Keeping peace
requires focusing on just that,
keeping peace. One
does not keep peace through arms and hostile aggression, that
only encourages or sanctions such aggression as a solution.
Peace abides in a different domain, one where harmony and
understanding are key features. The government has many
political and economic means at its disposal for getting its
objectives accomplished. We're already seeing this in some of
the trade negotiations. In the next few years, these will turn
out to be more powerful than anything else. So long as the world
revolves around money, economic power will mean something. At
some point however, there will be a major transition in which
economies are forced to bow to spirit. The ecological movement
is only the start of this trend.
Of course, we also need to help ensure that the world's nations
disarm as quickly as is reasonable and safe. Nuclear weapons are
of the greatest concern because of their vast potential for
destruction. It could take awhile to convince world leaders that
they can indeed trust each other enough to start doing this to a
greater degree. Unfortunately, there is little basis for trust
established between nations. Individual countries act much like
individual beings, focused primarily on self-interest.
Occasionally, we see groups of countries band together to achieve
a strengthened resolve on an issue such as the Gulf War or a
unification of power in some area such as an economic alliance.
The United Nations is set up to be a worldwide society of
nations. If the members truly embraced the concept of
world, reality could change in a heartbeat. However,
there are major difference among developed and developing nations
that need to be resolved before any real progress will be made.
The truth
"created equal", in particular, is one
that will have to be addressed and resolved because the economic
conditions of different nations are so vastly different. At some
point, the issue of fairness and balance rears its head -- and it
becomes obvious that the developed nations consume far more than
their fair share when compared to other nations.
There must and will be a true society of nations as an immediate
predecessor to a united world of
no nations. In the
not too distant future, we will be negotiating with other worlds.
By some accounts, various governments have already entered into
treaties and negotiations with aliens from other worlds. This is
only allowed to a limited degree. Worlds that are truly
civilized are ONE. They have resolved any differences they had
on their own planets prior to being allowed to develop the
technology to leave. The same spiritual laws operate throughout
the cosmos. We will have to unite our planet before our space
program can truly blossom. After all, we can't be putting our
garbage into the space environment like we've done everywhere
else. We need to learn the lesson from nature that all other
creatures learn:
when you get out of balance with your environment, nature takes
the necessary steps to bring things back into balance -- whatever
they might be.
Overpopulation and pollution are the two major areas where we
need to learn this lesson quickly, but we'll talk about this more
in another section.
When we have solved some of our problems and unified our planet,
it will be time to boldly go beyond and meet with some of the
emissaries from other worlds who are watching us as we go through
this critical evolutionary step in the growth of our world, the
Earth. It is because this transition is such a rare step that
consciousnesses from other parts of our universe are here to
watch and in some cases assist. It is not such a large deal to
keep Peace with other worlds, for there is already an Alliance of
Worlds that our world will be able to join once we make it ONE.
But, this is still a ways off. Let's deal for awhile with more
practical issues of what government needs to be in the next few
years and what changes need to start happening now.
Why Government?
Government is needed because the people within society need an
infrastructure that will take care of some common needs that they
can't take care of by themselves on an individual basis.
Currently these needs involve things such as:
- national defense
- health
- welfare
- education (K-12), also consider college and university
- laws and their enforcement
- administration of public lands and facilities
- regulation of industry.
Many of the laws safeguard the public against harm from various
products or services that are provided by businesses in the
private sector. Heavy regulation is required because businesses
within a capitalist economy are motivated primarily by profit --
hence, they cannot be trusted to ensure they build safe products
or services on their own.
From an efficiency perspective, this is very wasteful of
resources. It wouldn't be required if companies were trustworthy
enough to take whatever steps were necessary to ensure that
whatever product or service they were creating was safe.
Competition is the key culprit, however, since the economics of
the marketplace forces them to compete on a price basis as well,
and this they can't do if it costs too much to make the product
in the first place.
Environmental protection regulation is another key area. In most
industries, pollution control is a cost of doing business only
because the government requires it. On their own, businesses
would not have considered damage to the environment in their
profit calculations hence would not have judged any pollution
controls to be worth the cost.
So long as we have a capitalistic economy that is driven by
profit and competition, businesses can't be trusted. They are
motivated to build whatever products they can sell and make a
profit on; regardless of any assessment of true value, worth, or
need for the product. Further, there is a large problem of
lobbyists with heavy financial backing being paid to influence
the legislators on matters related to particular industries or
areas of business.
Government by and for the People
Government should be by and for the people. It's not clear that
this is the case at present. Because there is no real contract
in the society, government does those functions that are defined
in the Constitution and the laws of the land. Most of the
legislators are lawyers -- clearly not a reasonable
representation of the people. Most legislators and high level
politicians are wealthy -- again, not a reasonable representation
of the people. Further, the legal language of proposed laws is
very difficult for the layman to understand, making it tough to
decide how to vote on many issues.
It is not clear how it is decided what the people need. Having
an initiative process that allows any initiative get to the
ballot and then voting on it to see if the people want it seems
to be a very out of date way of doing things.
One major way to improve things would be to start defining an
agenda for change. This would require examining what the major
problems are and taking a holistic approach toward defining
changes needed to address these problems as a group. In some
instances, problems might be isolated; but, my overall feeling is
that most of these problems are related:
- Schools - Poor education results.
- Crime - People don't feel safe.
- Health Care - Many don't have it + costs too much.
- Welfare/Homeless - Too costly/Too many homeless.
- Jobs/Unemployed - Pay too low/Too few jobs.
- Economy - Serves owners, not workers hence not SOCIETY.
From this set, a key area of concern is lack of security. The
main problem is that society does not have any contracts that
make us safe or in any way ensure that all individuals will be
able to have enough to get their needs met. Short of developing
such a contract, all that can be done is to apply more bandaids.
The real problem is caused because we don't have an economic
system that we as a society are committed to ensure works for all
of the individuals in the country. We haven't made the
determination that every family is worth whatever it takes to get
that families needs met. Orders of magnitude difference in worth
don't make any sense, regardless of the nature of the work!
People are people. They all have so many hours per week.
Differences in skills and abilities don't justify great
differences in compensation -- especially when many of those
differences were biological to begin with.
If we started to address issues like this, we could truly get
people involved. Further, if the vote were done via an
electronically connected public, the masses would truly be able
to speak. The legislators would then have a directive from the
people for massive change.
For most of the problems, the best approach is to find the best
and the brightest people with interest in the problem to work it.
However, the group must include innovative thinkers that can
bring in new ideas for massive change. The key factor in each of
these problems is that massive change has resulted in systems
that are unable to meet the new needs in a balanced way. There
have to be answers that don't require a massive influx of money.
The greatest resource any country has is its people. We must
care for these great resources,
every one of them.
Each is unique, and we can't afford to waste the potential fruits
of a lifetime of output from anyone. Maybe the pendulum has
swung too far toward individual liberty. We've become so lax
spiritually that we have no moral basis to society. Perhaps our
forefathers were wrong about the separation of church and state.
That may have been OK when nearly everyone had a strong religious
life as well. In this day and age that is not the case, however.
It seems that right functioning of society requires a spiritual
component. If the religious community cannot provide this
effectively, then maybe it's time for the state to step in. The
bottom line is that society cannot function effectively without a
strong moral basis. If this is not being taught in the home or
in any religious setting that children are exposed to, then there
is something critical missing in the very foundation of peoples
beliefs about how they live among others. This must be remedied
before problems can be addressed effectively.
Actually, what I'm talking about here is the
re-creation of
a society, not a government. Our problems are really
society problems; and, it is not clear that the government is
empowered to address or to fix these problems. Our founding
fathers left a provision for this in our constitution. Maybe the
time has come for a new constitutional convention, one that is
empowered to create a new form of government for a society
different in many ways from that of our forefathers. It's been
over two centuries since they met. Perhaps it's time to once
again arrange a meeting of some of the best minds in the country.
As before, they too should come with a firm metaphysical
background, perhaps from some of the same mystery schools but
from others as well. In any event, they should have strong
intuitions and right brain skills and should definitely include
women. The answers will not come from a collection of lawyers.
Rather, it should come from an assortment of individuals of
various economic stations and various jobs. After all, reading
is not such a rare skill these days -- even though it may be
rarely practiced. Access to the proper materials is not confined
to the wealthy, but stretches to any who have the dedication and
interest to search. Many good metaphysical books have appeared
in the last 30 years. The increasingly rapid rate of change has
only really manifest in the last 50 years with the greatest part
of that in the last 20 years. The key people needed to make this
work successfully will have focused much of their energies over
the past 20-30 years toward knowing their self and will have
begun to apply their knowledge for the betterment of society,
either in physical terms or in terms of visions of what society
could be in the future.
Yes, it is time for such a convention. However, it is not clear
that people are convinced that massive social change is the only
solution to the major problems we face; nor is it likely that
they would give a group such as this the responsibility for
determining the course of such change. Further, we are talking
about change at a level where no current organization has
responsibility. What we are attempting to create is a social
constitution, not a governmental one. Though such a social
constitution will define a much clearer agenda for the government
as well. Fixing key problems, however, will involve an economic
agenda as well -- and this will require enlisting the cooperation
of those who control the companies in many areas as well as those
individuals who control the world's wealth. Then again, perhaps
it is the way they've made decisions and exercised their power
that helped to get us into these problems in the first place; so,
it may be time to relieve these individuals of their power and
give it back to officials selected and empowered by the people.
Because the government serves the people, regulatory legislation
may be sufficient to encourage cooperation. Where this doesn't
work, it may be necessary to use market pressure as well. We'll
deal with the economy in a later chapter, however.
Challenges of Government in the New Age
The challenges of government in the new age are no different than
the challenges of any group of organization that is faced with
dealing with massive change on a variety of levels. However,
government is seeing the brunt of this change first, forcing it
to lead the way. In the following, we'll address some of the key
challenges and suggest ways of overcoming them.
Lack of an Equal Enemy, What Do We Do Now?
With the former Soviet Union crumbled, we no longer have an enemy
that is equal to us. The Cold War is over; it should no longer
guide our behavior and decisions. For nearly 50 years one of
the key factors driving our priorities for funding was the issue
of national security. While this is still important, it is
nowhere near as important as it had been for so long. Military
power is no longer a major consideration. Yes, there are still
nuclear arms to consider. These should come under treaty
agreements quickly, and where possible these weapons should be
eliminated to get rid of the threat they impose. Policies from
the top down should be reexamined and modified as required to
conform with the present state of the world. Every major defense
system should be reexamined to determine if it is truly needed.
Military forces should be scaled back to essential minimums.
Similarly government bureaucracies should undergo the same
scrutiny. Those that oversee defense work or that were involved
in all the intelligence aspects related to evaluating enemy
capabilities should be scaled back as well.
Economic Wars Replace Conventional War
This is a tougher area to deal with. In general, we have a
laissez faire attitude toward business in this country. Free
enterprise and the American Dream are idealized and nearly
worshiped. We are not really prepared to treat business as war
as the Japanese and some of our other competitors. However, we
do have one powerful weapon -- our market for goods and services.
With a population of over 250 million highly affluent consumers,
we are in a position to make or break economies of other nations.
Conventional wars may break out here or there, but increasingly
these will not be necessary as a way for settling arguments or
disagreements. At some point, the people of the world need to
realize that aggression towards others is unacceptable behavior
that will not be tolerated by the United Nations. Initially,
force may be needed to teach this lesson; but, that is not the
most effective way in the long run. People need to see the
positive benefits of cooperation and belonging to a new world
order. This requires that they be treated fairly and respected
as well.
It is not clear that we want to engage in economic wars either.
Prior to entering free trade agreements that allow us to compete
in other markets, we should probably take a hard look at the
costs, benefits, and consequences of such activities. We need to
decide what place economics has in our society and whether we
truly want to open our market to the world. At some point, we
need to realize that an economy must reach some sort of balance
in order to prevent various types of problems. We need to make
sure that whatever strategy we adopt allows for a state of
balance. This is an issue for the United Nations as well.
Somehow, a world economy needs to be achieved that is fair to the
member nations. This will definitely require some payment or
compensation for past sins, so to speak. Developed nations have
taken advantage of developing nations for a long time. Such
behavior can no longer be tolerated. Interactions must be
conducted fairly and equitably. This requires more than just
getting both parties to agree to the terms of a contract.
Another consideration is that we may not truly be in a position
to compete, not because our workers are not good enough, but
because they are not hungry enough and do not realize the true
will and motivation of our competition. Also, we need to examine
whether such competition is really good for society. There is
some value to competition, but there is also a cost. It is not
yet clear under what circumstances the benefits exceed the cost.
Moving Towards a New World Order
Because the population has grown to a level where planetary
limits have been reached, nations are no longer isolated from one
another. In many areas, such as ecology, what one nation does
impacts its neighbors at the very least, and in some cases may
impact the entire world. It is becoming increasingly important
for the United Nations to step up as a new united world order.
One of the key roles for government in the next few years is to
decide and get agreement on what role we as a country are to play
in this new order. It is important that we cooperate and work in
good faith, doing as much as we can to ensure that all nations
get a fair deal in whatever negotiations and agreements take
place. To prepare for this, we need to set ourself up as a
prototype for the new world -- adjusting our government in a
manner that aligns us with the principles to be established in
the new age.
Our forefathers set us on a course for setting the foundation for
a New Order of the Ages. We have not completed that foundation
yet, or we would not have all of the problems we currently face.
It is time we get our best and brightest together to decide what
kind of an order is needed and what it will take to bring it
about. If a transition plan is already in the works, it should
be made known. If it does not exist, then it should be the
highest priority task for the government. Actually, it should be
the highest priority task for the society, and it should not be
assumed that those in the government at the present time are the
right people for the task. In fact, it may be that key
individuals from other countries should be invited to
participate. This country is to create the prototype for a world
order as part of our destiny, but this is a prototype for a world
order -- so, the best and brightest social thinkers on the planet
should be convened.
Keeping a High Wage Society Employed
This gets back to the economy issue again. Unfortunately, one of
the assumptions of our present economy is that consumers must pay
full price for services and goods and the price is set by
whatever the market will bear. We have no concepts about fair
prices or a real worth of goods or services. An hour worth of
time is worth $4 to $1,000,000 plus depending on what is done.
In other countries, this can be far less. On average, the wage
is about $10-15 per hour. The bulk of the spectrum is from
minimum wage $6 to $60, an order of magnitude difference. The
higher wages typically require increased education and
With defense and government downsizing, large numbers of
relatively well-paid professionals are finding themselves out of
work with no similar jobs in industry available to employ them.
The private sector has no plan for growth, since most of it is
based on the market sector and with no real growth in wages and
no increase in market, there is no room for additional goods and
services unless they can compete with other products or services.
Because of this we see unemployment up to nearly 10% in
California, with no improvement projected in the future.
The fact that our wages are high also makes it more difficult to
compete against other countries, especially for doing any work
requiring manual labor. Our education problems have resulted in
lower math and science skills and fewer graduates with technical
degrees making it tough to compete in high technology work.
Further, many people decide on what to study based on the income
level and job potential of the degree they pursue. Under more
ideal conditions, people would pursue what they are best at --
and be employed to use their skills and talents, thus resulting
in high motivation, satisfaction, and performance. When people
are motivated primarily by money, great inefficiencies enter the
The classic way for government to impact employment is to
generate legislation that opens markets, encourages growth, or
removes restrictions thus allowing industry new opportunities.
It is not clear that such actions will work in the current
environment. Industry thinks on too short of a time scale in
this country. Also, the profit motivation, and greed cause
inefficiencies that prevent a greater overall economic priority.
Becoming Leaner and More Effective
Doing more with less. TQM is rampant. Al Gore's recent Report
on Reinventing Government goes a long way toward understanding
this and defining specific steps to make it so. The bottom line
is that we can empower workers to do more so that the overall job
is done better with fewer people. Bureaucratic red-tape can be
reduced and government employees can deliver quality services
that are focused on the customers needs.
Along with this, it may be useful to redefine what government
does as well. The services provided by government should be in
line with what the people truly need. It is not yet clear how
best to determine what government should do. The best way I can
think of is to derive the functions for government from the
assessment of what the New Order of the Ages will be.
Transitioning from Defense to Commercial Work
The government is already encouraging contractors to think about
how to transform Defense related work into commercial work.
Several contractors have actually found commercial applications
for parts of their work and even developed and sold products. In
general, however, it is unlikely that this will work on a large
scale. There just don't appear to be enough customers, and
defense contractors are not used to having to compete in the
commercial world.
If the role of government were suitably scoped, there is no
reason that such talents as those designing weapons could not be
employed toward peaceful ends of working out solutions to some of
societies problems. In particular, they could work on machines
that make various tasks and activities more efficient. They
could also work on basic technology required for longer term
social change that is too far in the future for commercial
companies to address. Much of the lasting benefits from defense
work come from pushing technology beyond the state of the art and
being asked to do things that cannot currently be done. This
same attitude could be applied to the needs and services provided
within a society as well. In particular, prototype communities
could be built to determine how best to establish infrastructures
that empower people to work and play effectively, and be happy.
This is not that different from setting up environments and
infrastructures that allow people to fight effectively.
Constraints are different, and the general environment is more
free, but the basic problem deals with optimizing variables under
a set of constraints. Similar thinking is required to solve the
two problems.
Flexibility: The Key to Dealing with Massive
Stay flexible! That's about the only way to deal with massive
change. Trust that we have the raw material to deal with
anything. After all, we have a destiny to achieve. We were the
nation set up to lead the world through the transition to a new
age. Our Founding Fathers knew what was in store. They were
there at the first birth. We now are at the threshold of a
second birth. God guides our endeavors, however. We have what
it takes to get us through. And, we will get through it. How we
do so, and what we experience in the transition are dependent on
our choices and actions in the coming years. It can be easy or
difficult. Literally, it is up to us.
One thing is certain, there will be massive change. The current
problems in our country and in our world have to be addressed by
more then bandaids. Those that can be corrected need to be
fixed. For those that can't, we need to recognize what we did
that caused the problem and then take responsibility and act in
whatever manner possible to right the situation.
We are on a roller coaster ride, it's best to sit back and enjoy
it. We will be safe through it all. It may get scary at times,
but that is only temporary. The focus should be on the society
in which we want to live. That is the final destination.
However, to get there we must first define what it is. We need
the dream of what that society is to be. It is from the dream
that it will be made so. Such is the nature of reality
The major driver for the government through all this should be to
stay focused on what the people need and to provide whatever
services are required effectively and efficiently. The key is to
put the customer first and do whatever it takes to provide
quality services. This will help ensure that the people get what
they truly need. Specific organizations should be restructured
whenever necessary to allow them to provide their services
Personal Choices and Options
You have a brain and a voice. Let your government know what is
right and what is wrong at every level in which you interact with
it. Don't tolerate mediocre service, demand to be treated with
respect and provided with the quality services that you are
paying for through your taxes. These people are employed by you
to serve you. They are not slaves, however. They deserve to be
treated with respect as professionals as well. Are there
services that are not provided that could help many people. If
so, write down your ideas and send them to your congressperson.
Also, share your ideas with others and have them do the same.
On a social level, look at the society that you are part of on a
local level. Is it as supportive as you would like? If not, how
would you change it? Who would you live around? What kind of a
contract would you establish for the mutual benefit of your local
Everything in our experience is a reflection of a part of ourself
back to us. The best way to handle problems is to fix them in
the source, not in the reflection. Think about how what you
believe and what you do result in what you see, and take
responsibility for your part in it. No, you did not create it
all, but, you participated in its creation in some manner. Trust
your inner self to move you in the way that is proper for the
time and circumstance. Follow the promptings of your soul -- do
what comes from your heart. We, collectively, create our
reality. At the moment, we're doing a less than spectacular job,
but that can all be fixed in a heartbeat. All it takes is
alignment, realizing that there is a whole that we are in the
process of creating that is much creator than any one of us.
That creative unity can do far more than any of us could hope to
achieve. However, unity requires a submission of the individual
will, to the higher will of the entire entity. Note, I
specifically did not say "common" will. This is not a matter of
democracy. The entity created through uniting the group will be
One -- it will be the collective "We", yet more than that at the
same time. The synergy factor comes into play in these
situations, and a new level of consciousness is allowed to enter
the world in physical form. Further evolution will be guided by
the expression of this new consciousness.
What One Individual Can Do!
Each individual can only do whatever their personal vision,
abilities, and talents allow them to do. As a minimum, each
should do whatever their inner voice directs them to do:
- If you see a hungry person and are moved by it, give the
person some food. I've noticed several outside of grocery stores
lately. It's a simple thing to buy an additional piece of fruit
or loaf of bread. If many of us did this there wouldn't be any
hungry people around.
- If you see a homeless person and are moved to help, do what
you can. Advise them as to where the nearest shelter is, take
them there, or take them into your own home if such feels right
to you. You might also write a letter to the local government
voicing what you feel about the situation and telling them what
you want to be done about it.
- If you see a jobless person and are moved to help, find some
work they can do in exchange for getting some of their basic
needs met. Food, shelter, and clothing require funds to acquire
-- and a significant amount of funds at that.
No, you aren't responsible for any of these situations of others.
However, you are responsible to act as your soul dictates when
you find that these situations confront you directly. They
wouldn't have entered your experience if there wasn't some reason
they needed to be there. There are no accidents. We see that
which we need to see.
As to the future, dream of what could be, beyond limitation,
beyond imagination. Focus on those areas that are most
interesting to you and imagine the new world as clearly as you
can, knowing that the intensity of your imagination will help to
make it so. Think on as global of a level as is possible for
you, then act locally in a manner consistent with you vision.
"Think global, act local". Try it! It definitely works.
You are not a powerless individual in the face of a huge
government bureaucracy. You are a part owner that pays for the
entire government to work for us. It's not us against them, it's
us helping us. The U.S. is really us.
Copyright © 1995, Wayne Hartman, Revised -- (16 Sep 95)