Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Power of Will

I have brought myself by long meditation to the conviction that a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and that nothing can resist a will which will take even an existence upon its fulfillment.
                                                                               Benjamin Disraeli

I remember the days in Jacobu when we used to sit in front of the bank talking about how the future could be for us and for our community. We would talk so much about what our elders could have done right and what necessitated the present comeuppance of high illiteracy rate, poverty, weak chieftain authority, teen-pregnancy and of course the then deplorable (main) road.
Such a talk could go on for hours. Sometimes I don't really remember how we ended our talk but we get up and find a cosy place to wine down, like all good friends socially do.

As I grew up, I came to a point when I knew by instinct that none of those futures we projected could come out of nowhere. Should I desire to be in that future, I must will to make it happen. Daunting as it sounds, I believe I have some powers to cause things to happen my way. All I need is a will.

Willing to expend one's life bringing a deprived community forward is a noble ambition but not every girl will fall for a man whose dream it is to befriend a village where he was born. God have mercy!

But I am willing. Yet I cannot do it alone. No one can do it all by him/herself. It must be done with common unity in the community.

Jacobu's will must include every house of authority in town: the palace, the shrines, the chapels, the assembly, the markets, the schools, the sports fields, the farms, and the state. I am talking about writing the blueprint for the world tomorrow.

This way, we get kings and commoners, leaders and followers, teachers and students, farmers and traders as well as the merchants, the aged and the young, priests/priestesses and the men of God coming together to decide a new destiny for the old city.

Once the will is made, no individual is left off the hook to sit in apathy to 'see' what tomorrow might bring. No, we consciously begin to create our tomorrow in the now signature! Like the motto of  the communist manifesto which reads, "From each in accord with their abilities, To each in accord with their needs." A whole new community shall have been born!

Jacobu needs your will in writing her will. Our contract with society is such that we bless it with our noble ambitions, and it grants us the desires of our will. That is how The Plan works. So has it been from the beginning, so shall it be in the end.

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