And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.
Any son of the great forest from where we claim our origin must begin to heed the call of the prophets; time of rebuilding is now. Jacobu too has caught the eyes of God.
The city on the hill starts to shine forth like the morning sun. And I see its rays pervade the forest trees through to the thickets. The other creatures see it and with one accord, we all behold the coming days as the best our forefathers prayed for when they began pouring libation.
The city is now governed by foreigners simply because the indigines fail to read the signs of the times. To many, these days are like any other. Poor perception blinds the so-called sons of men to have lack as their lot. Courage that a time ago was the hallmark of our young men has been dulled by vain-glory. Today, the average Jacobite feels no connection to his motherland. So when we cry, it sounds like chaos - a staccatic noise of a scattered people.; people who have lost their history.
But just ahead of the horizon a new call has gone out. To those who have taken the pain to keep the map of where their grandfathers begun it all: why they chose to settle on this mountain, how we fought the white oppressor, and how much we prayed the gods to bring us into the light.
Today, my village is now on the road into the city. When the world thinks, it considers the little homestead where I was born. For it was in this humblest of homes that I was taught to uphold my beginning so I can be able to read about our next stop. I read with diligence. The pages were many. Some had to be of help and thank God!, help comes in abundance!
Just look up. See with your eyes and start counting if you can. Jacobu, too, has a whole new breed of sons and daughters whose portion is nothing but the very best of everything our own. Be not alarmed for we come in peace.
Our purpose is to re-build the ruins of old, the devastations of many generations. Just as the prophet foretold.
The call is out! Come home my people. Come with the little you know, come with the lot you possess, come with the very best of you. You are all we want. Nothing else. Come let us continue from where our elders left off so this city on the hill can be the lighthouse to all around.
Until Jacobu is lighted up, darkness shall continue to engulf the surrounding settlements. A tragic reality that must be blown out as soon as possible!
Come let us decide how to build our gates so the enemies can't come in to steal and to destroy and to kill. Come let us plan where to build the new schools, the community centre, the game fields, the palace, the streets; please come let us pray together in the chapel where we were baptized.
The rivers are drying up. Come let us invoke them to flood again. So we can have somewhere to swim in fresh waters.
The lands are being degraded. Come let us offer a sacrifice to appease the gods so we shall have the former bounty of harvest.Come so that our gold shall be dug to fill our treasury.
The forest is being depleted. Our fellow creatures are been driven to extinction. Come so that we may hear the birds to sing to us again. Come let us go hiking where we used to go for firewood.
When you come, ask of where the Jacobu Youth Association meet. Take a seat and feel at home. I will be there to welcome you back home.
We shall meet, soon.
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